MRH-10-UDM Construction and Maintenance of 397 Houses

MRH-10-UDM Construction and Maintenance of 397 Houses


Project   :  Mixed Use Development
Location  :  Oud Mateena, United Arab Emirates
Client  :  Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment


Service Provided: Full Consultancy Services for both Design and Supervision and Traffic Impact Study.


The project covers an area of approximately 76 hectares and is located at the South side of Amman Road/East side of Algeria Street.

The Project has two design categories:

Type (1) – 198 houses of three bedrooms (Ground floor)

Type (2) – 199 houses of four bedrooms (Ground+1).


All houses are to be constructed on project plots with land dimensions of 24.39m x 30.48m.

The project includes design of gate levels, roads, parking, street lighting, landscaping and all other necessary design work including coordination with local authorities.


The scope of work also includes the preparation of all contract drawings and documents, study, design and supervision of overall road and infrastructure systems.

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