MAG City at Meydan on Plot No. 6310140 MBR District 7 at Meydan

MAG City at Meydan on Plot No. 6310140 MBR District 7 at Meydan


Project   :  Residential Development
Location  :  Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Client  :  MAG Real Eye Estate Development FZ


Service Provided: Master plan, Design Services & Traffic Impact Study


MAG EYE development has been divided into five phases namely, Phase 0 or ground 0, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 depending on the construction and operation of the area. Phase 0 comprises the existing south area, which is already under construction. The north area comprises of phases 1 to phase 4, which is under the scope of work of Jouzy’s study area.


Master plan includes residential apartments, townhouses, villas, a Juma masjid, and various utilities like storm water pumping station, sanitary sewer pump station, gas farm, telecom MMR, Green Water Treatment Plant (GWTP), irrigation/firefighting pump station, distribution substation and GSM.


Jouzy is carrying carried out the traffic impact study and detailed road design for the project including coordination with local authorities.


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