Abu Dhabi International Airport South Airfield CAT IIIB Lighting System

Abu Dhabi International Airport South Airfield CAT IIIB Lighting System


Location  :  Abu Dhabi, UAE
Client  :  Lane-DS-NC Consortium


Abu Dhabi International Airport is currently undergoing significant works to expand the airport to accommodate its growth. The airport is the second largest in the United Arab Emirates serving over 10 million passengers per year. The airport has two runways, Runway 13R-31L and Runway 13L-31R, and has designated the eastern portion of Taxiway F as a helicopter takeoff and landing area.


As part of the current overall program, Runway 13R-31L is to be rehabilitated and expanded to allow Code F aircraft to utilize the runway. Prior to the decommissioning of Runway 13R-31L, it is required that a certified and operational CAT IIIB low visibility procedure (LVP) route from Runway 13L-31R to the 200, 300, and 400 aircraft parking stands be implemented to meet the criteria of CAR Part IX and the requirements of the GCAA.


Jouzy in association with Airsys is the Design Consultant for the CAT IIIB AGL System Design, which is being performed as a Design/Build Contract. Scope included full design of the LVP Route Lighting with segment control via software interlocks, replacement of majority of the Existing South Airfield AGL Infrastructure and support during installation.

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